TensorFlow for Deep Learning
Tensors and TensorFlow Most articles on TensorFlow begin by describing tensors as numerical arrays. This article is written for students attending my course on Artificial Intelligence – Advanced course Part-1, so that they can conceptualize tensors in all its perspectives with applications in various scientific disciplines, mathematics and AI deep learning. Tensor Calculus and Tensors T ensor is a concept from mathematical physics that can be used to describe physical properties like scalars, vectors, matrices etc. The concept for tensors was first introduced by Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro an Italian born mathematician with his publication on tensor calculus. Gregorio’s theory later enabled Albert Einstein to formulate the theory of general relativity. Tensor calculus is a technique that can be regarded as a follow-up on linear algebra. It is a generalization of classical linear algebra. Tensors in physics While tensors can be defined in a purely mat...