Activation Functions for Deep Learning

What are Activation Functions?

At the heart of every artificial neural networks there lies a linear transformation followed by an activation function. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) learn to map its input information to useful outputs information. These input output relations are mostly nonlinear in nature which are described  by complex non-linear functions. Activation functions make ANNs capable of modeling and mimicking almost any complex function in the world.

Major Components of an artificial neuron

An artificial neuron has three basic components

  1. The synaptic links or connecting paths that provide weights wji , to the input values si for   i =1,...d;
  2. An adder that sums the weighted input values to compute the activation value xj.
  3. An activation function f (also called a squashing function) that maps the activation xj to f(xj) = yj, the output value of the neuron. The individual computation element in the artificial neural network is known as the neuron unit, the network node or the processing element (PE). 

 Activation function f(xj) also called sometimes the transfer function has a nonlinear behavior. The value of f(xj) is denoted by yj. There are several types of nonlinear activation functions. The following is a summary of these functions 

Activation value

Activation of a neuron is a linear transformations of its inputs. The activation value is computed as 

Activation Functions (Neuron Signal Functions/Transfer Functions)

In a neural network a neuron is the fundamental building block. When several neuron units are grouped together and interconnected it forms neural network. Artificial neural networks are massively parallel connectionist structures consisting of several neurons. Neuron units in ANNs are connected in layers of neurons. Each layer will consist of one or more neurons.  Activation functions in neural networks are used to perform nonlinear transformations of neuron activations. Nonlinear activations gives anns the power to learn complex linear relations between its input and its outputs. In general all units across a given layer are the same so that the layer outputs belong to the same probability distribution. Otherwise it will slow down the network training due to “internal covariance shift”.  

 For convenience we assume that our network is simplified with one neuron unit with index "j".  The unit receives its input from a "d" dimensional space. The signals from this d - dimensional vector space is indexed by "i".  Inputs "sji " from this space is received via input synapses with weight values "wji" . The bias value is denoted by θj .

Threshold logic functions

Threshold logic neuron activation  function f(xj) is called a hard limiting function. Hence the neuron takes a hard decision.

Binary Threshold (Step) Signal Function

Neurons with binary signal functions are also called binary neurons or threshold logic neuron (TLNs). Neuron output signal is based on whether xj equals/greater than  zero or negative.

Binary Threshold is defined by 




The value of xj can vary from - to < 0 for which the output is limited to 0. If the value of xj varies from 0 to +, the output is limited to 1. Hence the function f(xj) is called a hard limiting function. The system using a threshold logic function is a two state machine with either 0 or 1 at its output.  

In engineering literature this form of a threshold function is commonly referred to as a Heavyside function.

A more appropriate representation is shown below


Bipolar (Symmetric) Threshold

The behavioural response of a two-state machine based on the threshold logic function can be extended to the bipolar case where 


Signum functions

The signum function is related to bipolar threshold logic function. The equation is defined as

Signum functions provides a “leave-it-alone characteristic” such that when its output is zero weight updates are not performed. 

Ramp Functions

These functions are linear or linear with threshold functions which are piece-wise linear functions.

Linear Neuron: The simplest of the ramp functions is the linear function 

When αj =1, the output of f(xj) is same as its input.  That is f(xj) = xj (identity function). The output of linear neuron is unbounded.





Saturating Linear Units (Linear Threshold Neuron): The bounded version of the linear signal function is saturating linear function (satlins). These are a type of piecewise linear functions. The output function of this type of neuron can be considered a combination of  the linear function and threshold function.

Satlins with binary limits

This is similar to Rectified linear neuron  (ReLU) functions. The output saturates to either 0 or 1.


Satlins with bipolar limits


For the above figures K = 5, hence the slope of the function is αj = 0.2. 

Limitations of linear threshold functions

Linear threshold function networks are used for line fitting problems. Such functions are used to learn linear regression behavior. These functions though useful for learning linear relations between input and output for a given range of input values, lacks the ability to learn complex nonlinear input output relationships. Hence the applications of these types of activation functions are limited. A deep layer network with multiple hidden layers having only linear units can be reduced to a shallow network with only one hidden layer.  

Sigmoidal Signal Functions

The sigmoidal (sigmoid means S – shaped) signal function is one of the most frequently used activation functions. A sigmoid function is bounded, differentiable and has a positive derivative everywhere. It is a nonlinear montonically increasing/decreasing and continuously differentiable function. These functions introduce nonlinearity model. Unlike the hard limiting activations sigmoid activation functions are soft limiting functions. Major advantage of sigmoid functions is that computation of their derivatives, essential for back propagation algorithms are easy. There are mainly two types of sigmoidal functions.

Standard sigmoid

The first one is the common logistic sigmoid function which maps its input -∞ <  xj <   to its corresponding output 0 < yj < 1.

where the exponential factor λj is a gain scale factor. As  λjthe logistic sigmoid function approaches binary threshold function. The outputs are always positive and they tend to have a mean close to ‘0.5’. 

Derivative of logistic sigmoid 


The convergence rate of derivatives is slow.


As an exercise try to plot by replacing numerator with an arbitrary value A and λj taking negative values.

Hyperbolic tan (tanh) function

The hyperbolic tan is also s-shaped sigmoid function for which the output value changes from  -1 < yj < 1 corresponding to input -∞ <  xj < ∞. The function is symmetrical around the origin. 
Sigmoids which exhibit  symmetry around the origin have the advantage that their outputs have an average value close to ‘0’.

The tanh function is described by the equation

Derivative of tanh

The derivative of tanh converges faster than that of standard sigmoid.              


Hard Tanh

An alternative to tanh function is the Hard Tanh. It is sometimes preferred over the tanh function since it is computationally cheaper. However it saturates for magnitudes of xj greater than 1 and lesser that -1. This function is not sigmoidal.  


Alternate equation of Hard Tanh

Derivative of Hard Tanh 

Soft sign

The soft sign function is another nonlinearity which can be considered an alternative to tanh that does not saturate as easily as hard clipped functions:

The derivative of softsign


The derivatives converge quadratically against ‘0’, which can cause problems in back propagation.


Bipolar Sigmoid


Show that this equals tanh(xj/2). 

Derivative of bipolar sigmoid 



Derivative of arctan(x)

The derivatives converge quadratically against ‘0’, which can cause problems in back propagation.


LeCun Tan

This function was introduced by Yann LeCun in their paper “Efficient Backprop” in 1998. 

This function is an approximation by a ratio of polynomials and was proposed by authors since tanh is computationally costly. The constants are chosen to keep the variance of outputs close to one, since the gain of the sigmoid is roughly 1 over its useful range. The function has the properties f(+/-1) = +/-1 and its effective gain over its useful range is close to 1.


Limitations of sigmoidal functions

The derivatives of sigmoidal function w.r.t activation are maximum only for a small region near the center. At large magnitudes of xj the derivatives and hence the error gradients required to update the weight values tends to approximate to zero. This is called vanishing gradient problem. Vanishing gradients can cause back propagation training to come to a halt in deep neural networks and recurrent networks.  

Rectified linear unit (ReLU)

A popular choice of activation function to eliminate vanishing gradients  is the rectified linear unit activation function. The ReLU of enable faster training since its derivative has a constant value for half the range of values of its activation. ReLU functions are popular for image classifications. In the context of artificial neural networks, the rectifier is an activation function defined as:


The derivative of ReLU

(this same as binary threshold)


When is xj negative the value of this function is zero, otherwise it equals xj. This is a ramping function and is analogous to half-wave rectification in electrical engineering. The computational complexity is less compared sigmoid speeding up training time and faster convergence.

ReLU was first proposed by Hahnsolver in 2000 in a paper published by Nature with strong biological motivation and mathematical justifications. Since its output is zero for all negative inputs it is sparsely activated which is often desirable in networks with large number of parameters. ReLU are used only for hidden unit in deep networks.

Biological motivation and why sparsity is good?

In biological networks with billions of neurons, not all neurons fire at all times for every activity we perform. Biological neurons are task specific which are activated by different activities. In sparse networks it is more likely that a set of neurons process more meaningful aspects of the problems. Sparsity in neuron activations can improve noise robustness and also reduce overfitting problems. Another advantage is that a sparse network is faster than a dense network, since there are fewer things to compute.


Limitation the “Dyling ReLU” neuron.

A major limitation of ReLU neuron is that its output is “0” for negative value of activations. The gradient function is “0” in this activation region, neuron stops to learn how to adapt to changing input when its activation stays negative  and the neuron becomes dead. This is called the dying ReLU problem.  Eventually the network may end up with large number of dead neurons. This problem is more likely to occur with large learning rates and large negative bias. Other limitations are that the function is non differentiable at input equals “0” and its output blow up as xj. This is called the “exploding gradient” problem.


Leaky ReLU & Parametric ReLU (PReLU)

The major problems caused by “dying ReLU” can be mitigated by making slight modifications. Leaky ReLU has a small slope for negative values, instead of altogether zero. For example, leaky ReLU may have y = 0.01x when x < 0.

Leaky ReLU

The derivative of Leaky ReLU



Parametric ReLU (PReLU) is a type of leaky ReLU that, instead of having a predetermined slope like 0.01, makes it a parameter for the neural network to figure out itself: y = ax (a <1) when x < 0.



Leaky ReLU has two benefits: 

  •  It eliminates the “dying ReLU” problem. 

  • It speeds up training. 

Leaky ReLU isn’t always superior to plain ReLU, and should be considered only as an alternative.


This function is smoother version of ReLU and solves the problem of non-differentiability at “0”. It has the advantage that its overall saturation is less compared ReLU.


Derivative of Softplus

Same as logistic sigmoid


Swish: A self-gated Activation Function

Prajit Ramachandran of Google Brain has proposed a self-gated activation function called Swish. Self-Gating is the technique inspired by the use of sigmoid function 

in LSTMs and Highway Networks. An advantage of self-gating is that it only requires a single input whereas normal gates requires multiple scalar inputs. Due to this Swish can easily replace ReLU as it also takes only a single scalar input.


Swish is defined mathematically as:


where sig(xj) is sigmoid function.

Derivative of Swish



Swish is a smooth, non-monotonic function that is bounded below and unbounded above.    It produces negative outputs for small negative inputs. The non-monotonicity of Swish increases expressivity and improves gradient flow, which is important considering that many pre-activations fall into this range.

Smoothness of the function makes it less sensitive to initializing weights and learning rate and plays an important role in generalization and optimization. Being bounded below helps to introduce strong regularization effects.

The authors demonstrated remarkable performance increase in the networks like Inception-ResNet-v2 by 0.6% and Mobile NASNet-A by 0.9% and proved that the gradient preserving property of ReLU(having gradient equals to 1 when x > 0) is not that important. 

Exponential Linear (ELU, SELU)


Similar to leaky ReLU, ELU has a small slope for negative values and has the advantages of both ReLU and LReLU. It uses a constant α whose value must always be positive. Similar ReLU in the positive sided input region, but differs in the negative region by slowly converging to –α. ELUs offer significantly better accuracies and generalization performances than ReLUs and LReLUs on networks with more than 5 layers. The function is defined as


Derivative of ELU

Instead of a straight line, it uses a log curve like the following:


An extension of ELU is the scaled Scaled ELU (SELU).


The function is defined as


This means output of ELU is scaled by the λ.

Derivative of SELU

SELU activations allows to construct Self Normalizing Networks (SNNs) (reference). SNNs have the advantage that its network parameters and output values have standard normal distribution. This is called internal normalization. The learning is faster since the internal normalization is faster the external normalization using batch normalization methods. Due to internal normalization exploding gradient problem is avoided. The network These functions has the limitations that they suffer from exploding gradients. (Theorem exists to prove vanishing gradients and exploding gradient are impossible for SNNs)



This ReLU capped at 6. In other words, it looks like the following:



Derivative  of ReLU-6


It was used for classification of images by CNNs (reference) with CIFAR 10 database. The choice of 6 by author is arbitrary. The upper bound encouraged their model to learn sparse features earlier. The capping of the output at 6 alleviates the problem of exploding gradients.



GeLU shows better accuracy than ReLU for NLP, Imaging and Speech applications. This function is used in transformers like Google’s BERT and open AI’s GPT-2. It is combination of hyperbolic tangent functions and exhibits behaviour similar to swish near small value of negative inputs.

The function is defined as

The error function erf(x) is very similar in shape to that of tanh(x)

GELU can be approximated to 

Derivative of GELU


The Gaussian signal function is non-monotonic signal function. It first increases smoothly from zero to its peak value of 1 at the centre and then decreases smoothly towards zero. The Gaussian function produces strong output near the centre. Far away from the centre the response becomes weak. Thus the neuron has a receptive field within which it responds to the input to generate strong output signals. Neurons with Gaussian output can be used to recognize specific ranges of inputs near a centre value using a suitable learning algorithm. Normalizing with σj√(2πwill convert this function to the Gaussian probability density distribution. 


Derivative  of Gaussian


The activation (xj) of the gaussian function can range from - to +. The centre cj and σj, the spread factor. For larger value of σj the spread or the range of inputs near the centre, to which the output is receptive, increases. The centre can be shifted by changing the value of cj .



Consider a classification problem with classes C1 and C2. The logistic sigmoid activation can be used as a measure of the posterior probabilities of the class y = P(C1|input). This means 1-y equals P(C2|input). The value of the input is a real number in range (-,).  

The logit function takes as its input the probability measure y and outputs a real number that range from (-,).  The ratio y/(1-y) is known as the odds of the probability . Then its  logarithm   called the logit or a.k.a log odds of y.

Derivative  of Logit



The inverse of logit function is same as standard sigmoid function and vice-versa. 

This activation is used only in the output layer of ann. The base of the logarithm function used is of little importance, as long as it is greater than 1, but the natural logarithm with base “e” is the one most often used. The choice of base corresponds to the choice of  logarithmic unit for the value: base “2” corresponds to a bit, base eto a nat, and base “10” to a ban (dit, hartley); these units are particularly used in information-theoretic interpretations.

Softmax activation functions (Softmax/multiclass logistic regression)

For a two class problem when the logistic sigmoid function is used at the output, the network can be trained to represent the posterior probability of class conditioned on the input data. If the output value is greater than 0.5 then data classification may be considered C1 otherwise C2. Probabilistic output can be also used for multiclass classification problem. For multiclass problems considering all classes uniformly where the input data s is d-dimensional , then a softmax activation function is used which is of the form. 

Derivative  of Softmax

This can be simplified as 

where Kronecker Delta

Stochastic signal function

Synaptic inputs in biological neurons are essentially a noisy. Noisy processes are random in nature. This randomness can be accounted mathematically by stochastic functions or a probabilistic function.

Consider the case of a binary neuron or a bipolar neuron where the output signal is either (0,1) or (-1,1) respectively. The output of this neuron with a probabilistic function switches in accordance with the following rule.



The common choice for the probability function p(xj) is the same function as the sigmoid 

where T is pseudo temperature, a function that represents the effects of synaptic noise. The output of the neuron is set to 1 with a probability p(xj) and is set to 0 or -1 with probability  
1- p(xj).

The output yj of the neuron has only two states which are binary values i.e., yj ϵ {0,1} or bipolar i.e., yj ϵ {-1,1}.



  1. Simon Haykin, Neural Networks, Pearsons education asia (2001), II edition
  2. Caglar Gulcehre,  Marcin Moczulski,  Misha Denil,  Yoshua Bengio, Noisy Activations, Proceedings of the 33 rd International Conference on Machine Learning, New York, NY, USA, 2016. JMLR: W&CP volume 48.
  3. Yan LeCun, Leo Bottou, Genevieve B. Orr, Klaus Robert Muller, Efficient Backpropagation,
  4. Djork-Arné ClevertThomas Unterthiner, Sepp Hochreiter, Fast and Accurate Deep Network Learning by Exponential Linear Units (ELUs), ICLR 2016,, arXiv:1511.07289
  5. Günter Klambauer Thomas Unterthiner Andreas Mayr, Sepp Hochreiter, Self-Normalizing Neural Networks, NIPS 2017;
  6. Wenling Shang, Kihyuk Sohn, Diogo Almeida, Honglak Lee, Understanding and Improving Convolutional Neural Networks via Concatenated Rectified Linear Units, ICML 2016, arXiv:1603.05201
  7. Alex Krizhevsky, Convolutional Deep Belief Networks on CIFAR-10, Aug 2010
  8. Prajit Ramachandran , Barret Zoph, Quoc V, SWISH: A SELF-GATED ACTIVATION FUNCTION Le Google Brain,, October 2017,
  9. Dan Hendrycks, Kevin Gimpel, Gaussian Error Linear Units (GELUs),  arXiv:1606.08415v4, 2016
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