Mathematics of Back Propagation for Deep Learning simplified

Back Propagation Algorithm a short history

Although without reference to neural networks back propagation method was perhaps first described in a 1970 master's thesis by Seppo Linnainmaa. In 1973 Stuart E. Dreyfus in published a simpler derivative based method to minimise cost function by adapting parameters of controllers in proportion to error gradients. 

The first neural network specific application of BPA was proposed by Paul Werbos in 1982. This was later refined by Rumelhart, McClelland and Hinton in 1986 and made a radical change in solving supervised learning problems. Their research paper experimentally demonstated the usefulness of BPA for internal representations in the hidden layers and easy addressing of its synapses of Multi Layered Feed Forward Neural Networks (MLFFNN). This paper significantly contributed to the popularisation of BPA.

Description of BPA

BP uses ordered derivatives (as termed by Werbos - The Roots of Backpropagation: From Ordered Derivatives to Neural Networks.) to adapt weights of hidden layer synapses. Hidden layer nodes in a MLFFNN do not have target output values.  BPA also called the generalised delta rule is a way to create target values for hidden layer nodes which do not have any desired or target value. (The ordinary delta rule works only for output layer units  for which target values can be compared with its visible actual outputs.) An example for network with a single hidden layer is shown in figure below. BPA facilitates addressing any synaptic weight anywhere in the network and update its weight values.


The term backpropagation refers to the manner in which information about gradients of the cost function is propagated into the hidden layers. Since this algorithm is based on the error correction learning rule it is called error back-propagation algorithm. We describe the mathematical derivations of the method. 

Do not get intimidated by the seemingly long sequence but simple steps of the following derivations using chain rule. Just enjoy the sheer poetry of derivative calculus  that follows 

Backprop is a gradient descent weight update algorithm

The variables and notations


m – iteration index for weight update step. We include this in all our equations for  clarity of logic.

k – subscript index for output layer neurons.

j – subscript index for hidden layer neurons (assume only one hidden layer for simplicity).

i – subscript index for input units.

w(m) –  set of all trainable weight parameters of the network. This is often a weight matrix for MLFNNs.

E(w(m)) – Error function at the output as a function of weight parameters.

η – learning rate.

wkjo (m) – scalar synaptic weight from jth neuron of hidden layer immediately before to kth neuron of output layer at the mth iteration step. 

xko (m) – scalar activation value of kth output neuron.

f (xko (m)) – activation function of kth output neuron.

yko (m) –  activation function output of kth output neuron.

ek (m) – error at the output for kth neuron.

δko (m) – error gradient information of kth output neuron.

wjih (m) – synaptic weight between ith neuron of input layer before jth neuron of hidden layer.

xjh (m) – scalar activation value of jth hidden neuron.

f (xjh (m)) – activation function of jth hidden neuron.

yjh (m) –  activation function output of jth hidden neuron.

δjh (m) –  error gradient information for jth hidden neuron.

The algorithm for Output and Hidden layer weight update 

Gradient descent update equation of  Output Layer weights

The basic weight update equation for the (m+1)th step for the output layer is given by   

           -    (1) 

Figure shows how input data is forwarded to the output layer through the network


Deriving the update equation for output layer weights in steps

Using the chain rule  

               - (2)

Step -1

                                                                 - (3)

Step -2

                                                                                            - (4)

Step -3

Derivative of output layer neuron activation function w.r.t its activation     

                                                         - (5)    


and “  is the total number of hidden neuron connected to the kth output neuron. The summation interval includes  the bias input (j = 0 ). 

Step -4 : Defining local error gradient of output neurons

Local error gradient information at the kth output neuron  

    - (6)

This is the equal to the product of its error and the derivative of its output function. This local error gradient is also called the error information. (This is also called sensitivity refer MIT notes Backpropagation.pdf)

Step -5

The derivative of  activation value of  kth unit in output layer unit w.r.t. synaptic weight from the jth unit of the hidden layer equals the input  from the same unit.

                                                                                                               - (7)

Step -6


                                                - (8)

The weight change

                                                        - (9)

Weight value is updated by the product of the learning parameter η, the local error gradient δko (m)  of the kth output neuron and its the input signal yjh (m) from the jth hidden neuron. In the ordinary delta rule  Î´ko (m is replaced by the actual error eko (m).

Thus we see that for BPA the computation of the local error gradient (error information) requires the knowledge of the derivative of the activation function f (x). Logistic sigmoid functions and hyperbolic tangent functions are non-linear functions that are differentiable everywhere.

Finally the weight update equation the output layer

                                                                                                                                                 - (10)

The key factor of the above equation in calculating the weight change is the error information signal of the kth output neuron is represented by

Gradient descent update equation of Hidden Output Layer weights

A change in the weight values of a hidden neuron can influence the all output neurons connected to it.

For hidden layers  weight update equation for the synaptic between jth neuron and an ith unit in the previous layer at (m + 1)th step is given by the equation

                                                                                    - (11)

Step 7: Defining local error gradients of hidden neurons

The error of at hidden layer neurons are not directly computable. Hence error information of the hidden units must be determined using the error information from all units connected to it in the subsequent layer.

We assume that there is only one hidden layer and the input to the hidden layer is the signal vector received from input environment. Similar to the output layer the error information for the hidden layer is denoted by

Similar to output layer units the change in synaptic weight between neuron j in the hidden layer and neuron i in previous  layer is computed as the product of  its error information and si (m) that is  signal received from the ith unit in previous layer scaled by the learning rate η, as follows

                                                                                         - (12)

The  local error gradient Î´jh (m) of the jth hidden layer neuron can be calculated as the product of partial derivative of  total output error w.r.t its own output yj  and derivative of its own activation function

        - (13)

Step 8: Partial derivative of  total output error w.r.t yj

Differentiating the total squared error at output w.r.t the output from hidden neuron yj(m) we get

                                                                                        - (14)

Using chain rule the derivative of error of the kth output neuron w.r.t jth hidden neuron output can be written as the product of partial derivatives

                                                                                                 - (15)      

where activation of kth output neuron is

Note the activation of the kth neuron



                                                                                                              - (16)

Using also the results from Steps 3 and 4 we get 

                                                                                                                                                      - (17)                


This means that the error information of each hidden neuron is computed using the error information of all neurons in next layer that are connected to the hidden unit. 

Step -9: Derivative of activation function (xjh (m))

Derivative of hidden layer neuron activation function w.r.t its activation

                                                                               - (18)

Step -10: Representing error information of hidden units using error information from output units

Substituting equation (17) of step 8 and  equation (18) of step 9 in equation 13 of step 7 we get the  local error gradient of the jth hidden layer neuron is given by

                                                                                                                                                              - (19)

The three factors of the local gradient of the hidden neurons

  1. The first set of terms with Î´ko(m) requires the knowledge of the error signals of all the output neurons directly connected to the jth hidden neuron.
  2. The second set of terms wko(m)  consists of the corresponding connection weights of the hidden neuron.
  3. The third term is the derivative of the activation corresponding to the jth hidden neuron. 

The error gradient terms represent the error propagated back to the hidden layers from the subsequent layers. Hence the name back propagation algorithm.

Step -11

Similar to that in step 5, we get the derivative of  activation value of  jth unit in hidden layer equals its input 

                                                                                                                 - (20) 

Step 12: Computation of weight change in hidden units

From steps 8,9,10,11, and 12 we get (similar to step 6) 

                                                               - (21)

The following figure shows how error information is propagated backward 


Step 13: Putting it all together

Gradient descent weight update of  Hidden layer neurons

Substituting in Equation (11)

                                        - (22)

This is exactly similar to update of output units

Back propagation algorithm uses the gradient descent weight update equations (10) and (22) iteratively until the output error reaches a minimum value.

Summarising the steps into four stages

Initialization of the network weights: During the first stage the network weights wkj and wji for all the neuron units in the network are initialized randomnly to small values.

Feed Forward of input information: During the feed forward stage the input signals  s = {s0, s1, s2, s3 , …… sI}T are fed forward from the input layer to the hidden layer. Each hidden layer neuron unit computes its output based on its activation function f(xj). The activation function of hidden layer unit is a sigmoid function. This output is then fed forward to the neuron unit in the output layer.

Back Propagation of errors: During this stage the output (yk) of each unit in the output layer is compared with its target value (tk) and the local gradients δko (m) (for output layer) and  Î´jh(m) for the hidden layer are computed. The index term denotes the mth step of the learning cycle.

Updating the weight and biases: During this stage the weights including that of the bias input are updated as per the generalized delta learning rule.

The above steps are iterated until the weights converge to steady values and the output error is minimised.


  1. Laurene V. Fausett, “Fundamentals of neural networks”, 1994,  Pearson Education.
  2. Simon S. Haykin, “Neural Networks and Learning Machines”, 2nd Ed, Pearson Education.
  3. J. Schmidhuber. Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview. Neural Networks, Vol 61, p 85-117, 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2014.09.003
  4. David E. Rumelhart, Geoffrey E. Hinton & Ronald J. Williams, “Learning Internal Representations by Backpropagation”, Nature volume 323, pages 533536(1986)
  5. Wikipedia

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